


Kā atpazīt meteorītu? MID tests.
Meteoroīdi. Meteori. Bolīdi.
Meteorīti. Krāteri. Impaktīti.
Jaunumi. Latvijā un pasaulē.

Meteoriti.LV - par meteorītiku Latvijā un pasaulē: aktuālā informācija, izpēte, meteorītu kolekcija - Meteorītu muzejs.

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Standarta cena: 12,00€ | 6,00
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Projekts Meteoriti.LV ir pārstāvēts Meteorītikas biedrībā:

 Meteoritical Society

   Starptautiskā Meteorītikas biedrība

   Latvijas muzeju biedrība
Projekts Meteoriti.LV tapis pateicoties:


   GNSS / GPS online pakalpojumi
Projekta sadarbības partneri:


   Latvijas Astronomijas biedrība
Meteoriti.LV kolekcija: meteorīti, impaktīti u.c.
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Review of the Meteoritics World News
Meteorītikas ziņu apskats angļu valodā

: meteors; asteroids; comets; space-junk.

  • 2024-10-22
    The word “volatile” is commonly used in the space exploration community, but it has a different meaning than when used otherwise. In space exploration, volatiles are defined as the six most common elements in living organisms, plus water. Earth had enough volatiles for life to start here, but it might ...
  • 2024-10-21
    Ships passing in the night used Morse code sent with lanterns and shutters to communicate. That same basic principle has allowed NASA to communicate with Psyche, its mission to a metal-rich asteroid in the main belt. However, the “light” was a version of heat, and instead of being able to ...

  • 2024-10-22
    Witnesses described a large fireball over Lake Erie last night. The American Meteor Society had some 350 reports as of this writing. Thousands must have seen it! The post A large fireball blazed over Lake Erie last night first appeared on EarthSky.
  • 2024-10-20
    When DART spacecraft hit asteroid Dimorphos, it released debris that should arrive at Mars and Earth, creating the 1st human-made meteor shower for the planets. The post When can YOU see the 1st-ever human-made meteor shower? first appeared on EarthSky.

  • 2024-10-23
    Paris, France (SPX) Oct 18, 2024 ESA has signed a euro 63 million contract with OHB Italia SpA to initiate preparatory work for its proposed Ramses mission, which aims to study the asteroid Apophis. On 13 April 2029, Apophis, a 375-meter-wide asteroid, will pass just 32,000 kilometers from Earth - ...

  • 2024-10-14
    ESA last week launched its Hera mission to the same asteroid that NASA's DART spacecraft collided with two years ago. Jeff Foust reports on the struggles the Hera project faced getting the spacecraft launched, from funding challenges to a hurricane.
  • 2024-08-19
    NASA is weighing different approaches to its Mars Sample Return program to lower its costs and speed up the return of samples. Dale Skran advocates for an approach that ties the effort more closely to future human exploration of the Red Planet.
  • 2024-05-06
    Last September NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft successfully returned samples from the asteroid Bennu, seven years after its launch. Jeff Foust reviews a book by the mission's principal investigator that describes the long effort to develop the mission and how it overcame obstacles along the way.
  • 2024-04-29
    Mars scientists hoped they would have a better idea of when and how they would get samples back from Mars after NASA completed an internal study of the Mars Sample Return program. Instead, as Jeff Foust reports, NASA is now turning to industry for help on how to reduce the ...
  • 2024-02-12
    Concerns about the budget and plans for NASA's Mars Sample Return (MSR) program came to a head last week when JPL laid off more than 500 employees, citing budget uncertainty about the program. Jeff Foust reports on the issues that have put the future of MSR into question for some.
  • 2024-02-05
    Ingenuity, whose mission ended last month, was a first-of-its-kind Mars helicopter with no guarantees more will follow soon. Ari Allyn-Feuer discusses how sending a large number of similar helicopters could advance Martian exploration in novel ways.
  • 2023-09-25
    On Sunday, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft returned to Earth, dropping off a capsule containing samples collected from the asteroid Bennu. Jeff Foust reports on the success of the first part of NASA's "Asteroid Autumn" that includes a launch and a flyby.
  • 2023-09-11
    Last month, a paper claimed to have found evidence for interstellar meteorites at the bottom of the Pacific, a claim other scientists have treated skeptically. Jeff Foust review a book by the scientist who is the lead author of that study and other efforts using science to look for interstellar ...
  • 2023-09-05
    The Fox reality TV series "Stars on Mars" wrapped up recently with one "celebronaut" crowned as winner. The series, Dwayne Day explains, also provided useful lessons for real missions to the Red Planet.
  • 2023-07-17
    A Senate appropriations bill released last week would slash funding for NASA's Mars Sample Return program and threaten it with cancellation. Jeff Foust reports on the new fiscal challenges that efforts to return samples from Mars have encountered.

  • 2024-10-16
    An international team has successfully demonstrated that 70% of all known meteorite falls originate from just three young asteroid families. These families were produced by three recent collisions that occurred in the main asteroid belt 5.8, 7.5, and about 40 million years ago. The team also revealed the sources of ...

: meteorites; asteroids; comets.

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2024/10/22 296   Meteoriti.LV

Mēness fāze
22. oktobrī vēsturē zināms nokritis 1 meteorīts:
Dokachi (1903)
Pavisam oktobra vēsturē zināmi 95 nokrituši meteorīti:
20 jeb 21.1% no tiem glabājas Latvijā Meteoriti.LV kolekcijā.
Ievērojiet, nesen iespējams nokrituši jauni meteorīti:
š.g. 16. martā Caída, Portugal [??]
š.g. 6. augustā Ait Saoun, Morocco[??]
Šobrīd debesīs novērojamas 5 aktīvās meteoru plūsmas:
★★☆☆ Southern Taurids (Maksimums: Oct 10);
★★☆☆ ε-Geminids (Maksimums: Oct 18);
★★★☆ Orionids (Maksimums: Oct 21);
★☆☆☆ Leo Minorids (Maksimums: Oct 24);
★★☆☆ Northern Taurids (Maksimums: Nov 12).
Aktuālā informācija par Zemei tuviem objektiem: 
NASA NEO (Near Earth Objects) programma    |    IAU Mazo planētu centrs

Mazliet vēstures

Kopš meteorītikas zinātnes dzimšanas pagājuši 230 gadi.
Pirmais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 204 gadiem.
Otrais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 161 gada.
Trešais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 160 gadiem.
Pēdējais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 134 gadiem.
Pirmais meteorītikai veltītais muzejs Latvijā dibināts pirms 9 gadiem.


Meteoriti.LV vietne tiks pakāpeniski papildināta ar plašu pamatinformāciju par meteorītiku un ar to saistitām astronomijas nozarēm. Uzzināsiet, vai "meteorīti dabā sastopami retāk par dimantiem", cik tie ir veci un kāda ir to izcelsme. Atradīsiet atbildes uz jautājumiem: Vai meteorīti ir bīstami? Kādi meteorīti atrodami Latvijā un kur tos var apskatīt? Vai Latvijā ir vērts meklēt meteorītus? Ko meteorītu izpēte pastāsta mums par Zemes un Saules sistēmas izcelšanos? Ceram, ka tas radīs vēlmi arī jums pašiem novērot Zemes kosmiskos viesus - meteorus, un, varbūt, pat kļūt par īstiem meteorītu medniekiem!
Veiksmīgu novērošanu!


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