


Kā atpazīt meteorītu? MID tests.
Meteoroīdi. Meteori. Bolīdi.
Meteorīti. Krāteri. Impaktīti.
Jaunumi. Latvijā un pasaulē.

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THE 100X ASTEROID DAY DECLARATION IS AS FOLLOWS: As scientists and citizens, we strive to solve humanity’s greatest challenges to safeguard our families and quality of life on Earth in the future. Asteroids impact Earth: such events, without intervention, will cause great harm to our societies, communities and families around the globe. Unlike other natural disasters, we know how to prevent asteroid impacts. There are a million asteroids in our solar system that have the potential to strike Earth and destroy a city, yet we have discovered less than 10,000 — just one percent — of them. We have the technology to change that situation. Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for the following action: 1. Employ available technology to detect and track Near-Earth Asteroids that threaten human populations via governments and private and philanthropic organisations. 2. A rapid hundred-fold acceleration of the discovery and tracking of Near-Earth Asteroids to 100,000 per year within the next ten years. 3. Global adoption of Asteroid Day, heightening awareness of the asteroid hazard and our efforts to prevent impacts, on June 30, 2015. I declare that I share the concerns of this esteemed community of astronauts, scientists, business leaders, artists and concerned citizens to raise awareness about protecting and preserving life on our planet by preventing future asteroid impacts. --- Additional links: --- 100x Declaration is supported by Meteoriti.LV
<= Uz Meteoriti.LV preses relizes

© 2013-2024 KB,   METEORĪTU MUZEJS Meteoriti.LV

Projekts tapis pateicoties:  

Meteoriti.LV vietne tiks pakāpeniski papildināta ar plašu pamatinformāciju par meteorītiku un ar to saistitām astronomijas nozarēm. Uzzināsiet, vai "meteorīti dabā sastopami retāk par dimantiem", cik tie ir veci un kāda ir to izcelsme. Atradīsiet atbildes uz jautājumiem: Vai meteorīti ir bīstami? Kādi meteorīti atrodami Latvijā un kur tos var apskatīt? Vai Latvijā ir vērts meklēt meteorītus? Ko meteorītu izpēte pastāsta mums par Zemes un Saules sistēmas izcelšanos? Ceram, ka tas radīs vēlmi arī jums pašiem novērot Zemes kosmiskos viesus - meteorus, un, varbūt, pat kļūt par īstiem meteorītu medniekiem!
Veiksmīgu novērošanu!


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© 2013-2024 KB,   METEORĪTU MUZEJS Meteoriti.LV
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